Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New York hates people who hate black people

[17:11] NY: also that 2p2 guy orange is a huge bigot
[17:11] GTBMuckface: haha
[17:11] GTBMuckface: how so
[17:11] NY: http://oi2ange.blogspot.com/2008_10_01_archive.html
[17:11] GTBMuckface: well
[17:11] GTBMuckface: i mean
[17:11] GTBMuckface: black people do suck at poker
[17:11] GTBMuckface: in general
[17:11] NY: dude
[17:11] NY: forget that
[17:11] NY: he calls them apes and shit
[17:12] GTBMuckface: lol
[17:13] GTBMuckface: its the internet
[17:13] NY: its still fucked up

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