Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friday off Work Results....

SO I got to stay home and play some cards today after recieving a call from work citing my services were not required today.

I played 4 tournies, cashing in one, and bubbling in two.

The first bubble occured when I shoved Q2suited from to me OTB with 11bb with 84 left, 70 paid, and was hellmuth snapcalled by a player with 31bb with K4o. He flopped a 4 and I was elimed. Obv, I shoved Q2 and lost, poor me. But I was flabbergasted that he called me with K4.

Anyways, the other bubble was when I raised in EP with AK, with 36k sitting in 21/77, with blinds at 500/1000. I am reraised by the button, and I shove overtop, we race his QQ to my AK and he turns a QQ to gg me.

I chilled with come people and at around 2am decide to play some 100NL, just for like an hour or so before I call it a night, results:

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Much better session than the one put in on May 27th.
Played much more aggro, made better reads.

Tower: $1695
FTP: $224

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