Monday, May 26, 2008

Real Life Work

OMG I work in my father's companies office.
It's hell.
I am so friggin bored I want to stab myself with something just to feel alive.

I haven't even really entered the work world and already I can't stand it.

I was talking to an interwebz friend who is going to move to Costa Rica, that sounds so good to me. He was telling me about the freedom, and disconnection from the standard 9-5, MTV, CNN lifestyle we live here. It sounded like heaven.

Basically this is just a rant displaying my displeasure for the 9-5 life.
And i'm making 21$/hour, which is pretty good wage for a 22 year old imo.
I have friends working for half that, and I can't understand how they do it week in week out.
They must privately be crying in their rooms or something, and they msut want better for themselves.

Anyways, that's it for now.
Time to do some more data entry.

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